Tag Archives: Reißverschlusssystem

Mein Gott!

Searching for something among some old documents, I stumbled across something else: a great selection of German compound nouns, such as:

  • Tausendsassa – literally “a thousand this and that”. The closest English equivalant would be jack of all trades
  • Reißverschlusssystem – the system of merging traffic as two lanes become one. Literally “zipper system”
  • Rechtschreibungsüberprüfungs¬programm – spell checker (very handy when you’re exploring compound nouns)
  • Vergangenheitsbewaeltigung means “overcoming the past”
  • Universitätsbibliotheksgarderoben¬schranknummerkartenanzeigelesegerät – the university library locker number card reader display
  • Suchmaschinenoptimierungsbeauftragte(r) – a web worker assigned to search engine optimisation

Don’t mention ze universitätsbibliotheksgarderobenschranknummerkartenanzeigelesegerät!

As a teen, I was tickled to discover the German language’s approach to compound nouns: combination. You want a word for ‘tomato sauce’? Tomatensauce. Excellent!

I was reminded of this at the weekend by a list of ‘the best German compound nouns, as suggested by Guardian.co.uk readers’:

Tausendsassa is literally “a thousand this and that”. The closest English equivalant would be jack of all trades.
Reißverschlusssystem is the system of merging traffic as two lanes become one. Literally “zipper system”.
Rechtschreibungsüberprüfungsprogramm means spell checker, which comes in very handy when exploring compound nouns.
Vergangenheitsbewaeltigung means “overcoming the past”.
Universitätsbibliotheksgarderobenschranknummerkartenanzeigelesegerät is the university library locker number card reader display.
Suchmaschinenoptimierungsbeauftragte(r) is a web worker assigned to do search engine optimisation.

Slip them into conversation. Casual like. Euro-sophistication can be yours.