Tag Archives: words you have never even seen before

Pardon my Newfoundland

Just finished reading The Shipping News by Anne Proulx. (And just how do you pronounce ‘Proulx’, I’d like to know?)

Never have I encountered so many words I didn’t know. And I choose the word ‘encountered’ advisedly. These are not just the kinds of words that you half-recognise, or words you sort of know, or words you know you ought to know but certainly couldn’t come up with anything if put on the spot for a definition. No, I’m talking about words you have never even seen before. Ever.

Take a chapter at random – Chapter 7. Gamming. Omaloor. Gansey. Auroral. Burnoosed. I mean, seriously…

I think I did pretty well, considering, to hold it together till Chapter 34, where I finally found myself groaning ‘Oh, come onnn!’ at:

“….Quoyle and Tert Card sat at a side table littered with wadded napkins. A smoldering ashtray. Behind them two old slindgers in overcoats and pulled down Donegal caps…”

‘Slindgers?’ What in God’s name is a slindger?

The great Google (what else) took me to the answer. A page of Newfoundland vernacular- http://www.wordnik.com/lists/like-true-newfoundlanders. And there it is, along with scrunchions and dorymen, annieopsquotch and mauzy, mundle, faddle and calabogus. But still no definition. A bit more googling and I had an answer, thanks to Vikings of the Ice Being the Log of a Tenderfoot on the Great Newfoundland Seal Hunt.

A slindger, it turns out, is a loafer, the kind of aging good for nothing who hangs out in a darkened bar with wadded napkins for decor. Learn something new every day…